


Right rear wheel well before cleaning and painting. |
Right front wheel well cleaned and painted. |
Body damage. |
Stripped car. |




Doors removed. |
Inside of driver's side door - ready to paint. |
Inside of driver's side door - primed. |
Interior side of driver's door painted. |




Mechanisms inside the door. |
"The Doors." |
Stripped Bug. |
Stripped Bug. |




Stripping the engine lid. (It was yellow underneath!) |
Stripping the hood. |
The tow bar. |
The tow bracket installed. |




Hitch arrangement. |
Off to the paint shop. |
Hood and lid ready for transport. |
Poor forlorn Bug at the paint shop. |




Bug in the paint shop. |
Work in progress. |
Work in progress. |
Out of the paint shop! |




Water barrier installed with blue tack. |
Trim clip installation. |
New antenna well (welded this time). |
Way cool antenna well. |