Pictures of Dave's Rebuild Experience
Included in the following pages are a large number of pictures which document Dave's experience rebuilding his '73 Super Beetle. Rather than simply displaying all of the pictures chronologically (as I did originally), I have tried to organize them topically -- roughly in about the same way as is our Table of Contents (though I begin with Engine and Transmission). Please be aware that these pictures are not comprehensive by any means -- just pictures that were taken now and then during the rebuild process.
Associated with each picture is a very brief description; more detail can be found in the body of our Web page, of course (click on the "Search" button above). The pictures are quite small, so they are fast loading -- but you can enlarge any picture with a single click.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, or if you find broken links, please feel free to send a note to Dave at the address at the bottom of the page.
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Dave's Super Bug before rebuild
"Shade-Tree" workshop
of FOUR! engine removals
A VERY greasy job!




David and the removed engine.
New cooling vanes (the reason for this first engine removal)
Installing new rubber seals.
New firewall insulation (as long as we're there ...)




Second engine removal (under the "Shade Tree" this time!)
Engine removal (continued)
Engine down
Engine-less Bug in the rain




Engine compartment with newly-installed CDI system |
Stock air cleaner. (no more oil on the tin!) |
Engine installation complete. |
New engine case. |
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Contact Dave!
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Email Dave -
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