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Broken links?

Note: We are delighted to hear from you, but we are beginning to receive more questions than we can respond to in a timely fashion. So before you write you might check our Comprehensive Index or Search Page. Often you will find detailed information on your topic of interest within our pages. If not, fire away! :-)

Email Rob -

Regarding queries to Dave -

Sadly, Dave died in January 2019 after a long illness. RIP my friend. I (Rob) have left his writings on this page intact out of respect for his time and efforts, and those of his daughter Erin, in getting the whole web site to the position you see today. I still get emails almost enery day from folks in many parts of the world, and I endeavour to answer them as best I can. I am still editing and updating the articles on the site and will continue to do so, and will write new articles where I can see the information might be useful to other VW owners. Rob - June 2019.

Dave said: I very much appreciate your interest in “Rob and Dave’s Aircooled Volkswagen Pages,” and the many positive comments we have received about it are very gratifying. However, I’ve come to a stage in my life when my time is very limited. I am retired but have a part-time job that is very enjoyable but very time consuming. In addition, my wife is an invalid, and I of necessity must spend a lot of time caring for her (a labor of love, most certainly). But with the limited amount of time I have available, I’m finding it very difficult to respond to the many interesting and thought-provoking questions you have posed. As much as I hate to, I’m going to have to place a moratorium on my e-mail responses until further notice. I hope you will understand.

If you carefully peruse the Index to our Web page (under the “Search” button), you may find answers to your questions, as the Index is very extensive.

I hope you will understand my situation, and I sincerely hope you are able to get the information you need to keep your Bugs on the road.

With my sincere apologies,

- Dave


Web Page design by Erin